
How to fast safely during Ramadan: What the science shows

For 1.9 billion Muslims, Ramadan is the ninth and holiest Islamic month and this year starts on March 11. During the 30 days of Ramadan, many Muslims fast, refraining from food, drink, smoking and sex, between dawn and sunset ...


Are slushies really bad for young children's health?

Recently there have been concerning reports in the news of a three-year-old boy who collapsed and was admitted to hospital after drinking a slushy drink. Fortunately, after a few days, the child recovered completely.


Focus on patient experience can improve diabetes care

Health care providers who treat diabetes need to think beyond the clinical numbers, such as solely focusing on a person's glucose goals. Taking the patient experience into account can improve the quality of care and facilitate ...

Medical research

Red light can reduce blood glucose levels, says study

In a new study appearing in the Journal of Biophotonics, researchers have found that 670 nanometers (nm) of red light stimulated energy production within mitochondria, leading to increased consumption of glucose. In particular, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Liver metastasis, metabolism, and a therapeutic conundrum

A new study led by researchers at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center (HICCC) has identified a crucial factor that can drive tumor cells to spread to the liver. The work, which is published in the current issue ...

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